WE started out in Sebastopol, Ca. our first Farm in 2016 was an acre and a half of sloped sandy loam. “Pennyroyal Farm" site was lush year-round, with prolific spring water and native plant and meadow grass biodiversity. It taught me about drainage, berms, and hydrology patterns, water quality and building soil retention with homemade compost.
Our new location since 2019 “Sulphur Ridge” is very different; with beautiful adobe clay, creative irrigation projects, and friendly, neighboring heifers. We are working on amending the soil to allow more drainage, organically eradicating weeds, and repairing the fence line to prevent intruders from the adjacent, overgrazed star thistle field.
Farming is not always easy; each land location has certain advantages and challenges, soil type, water availability and terrain.
Our Owner/Operator looks at the unique attributes of land, water and vegetation, understanding it takes ALL elements to balance in order to truly Steward and cultivate healthy Eco-systems.
WE have years of experience and knowledge to share with others the importance of sustaining historical plant Species and Conserving Natural Resources. Mothers for centuries have passed on the ancient herbal wisdom; to their children, through their community, during birth attendance, in advising younger females, farmers, foragers to learn how to Listen and Observe. To support and not "control" Nature: in this "trust and synergy with the wild is created".
WE know that nothing is ever "perfect", farming can bring unpredictability. But truly believe in the resilience of nature: there is always a solution! With vision, determination, and a Positive Mindset, WE can live our passion of keeping the value of Botanical Plants alive for future generations ~
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